As a self proclaimed photo junkie I often get much welcomed photo suggestions from friends and family who come across an image and think “Jenni needs to see this!” I love it. I love that someone sees a photo they think is fun or neat, and think of me. Even though I have absolutely nothing to do with the awesomeness of that particular photo, I’m always flattered just to be in someone’s thought.
It being the most wonderful spring and Easter season, I’ve seen many amazing photo setups and I’m always humbled by the creativity and love of photography and kids that others share. There are so many great opportunities for pictures with EAster bunnies and spring flowers during March and April that I thought I’d just slip by without much fuss, but then a good friend sent me a photo with a baby in a basket full of plastic Easter eggs and I was inspired to be fun and silly and stick some babies and a big fluffy Easter bunny in a basket of my own. Thanks for the inspiration, it was just the kick in the butt I needed.
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